New data from Arizona’s Universal Education Savings Account program has been released, and Mount Hot Take is already erupting.
In a short paper published by the Brookings Institution, with the not-at-all incendiary title “Arizona’s ‘universal’ education savings account program has become a handout to the wealthy,” researchers combed through data on the zip codes of participating students and identified that they are coming from wealthier and better-educated parts of the state. Now, let’s set aside the fact that they do not have individual data on students, and there is heterogeneity within zip codes, so just because a child lives in a zip code with a higher average income or college-going rate does not mean that they are high income or that their parents are college-educated. And let’s set aside the fact that they lumped together those students participating in the newer universal program with those who participate due to their (often quite profound) special needs. And let’s set aside the fact that all of these families pay taxes to fund education and thus giving them choices is not so much a “handout” as for many a small fractional rebate of their tax bill.
There is a more helpful way to think about the issue.
In Everett M. Rogers’s classic Diffusion of Innovations, he describes a bell curve distribution of adoption. In the left-hand tail, a small proportion of people are “Innovators,” those always on the lookout for the newest and best thing and who are willing to take chances and cope with the issues related to early-stage products and services. As the curve rises, the next group are “Early Adopters,” who are less adventurous than the innovators but still are on the cutting edge of new and different things. As we get into the meat of the curve, we see the “Early Majority” and then the “Late Majority,” who make up around 2/3rds of population and are more deliberate in the case of the early and skeptical in the case of the late in making decisions about new things. Finally, at the right-hand tail of the curve are the “Laggards,” those who either don’t accept new innovations or do so long after everyone else has.
Rogers’s point is that it takes time for new things to percolate through the population. They are not all adopted at once. And, as one might expect, in surveying the research literature on the topic, Rogers found that earlier adopters are more likely to be more educated, of higher social status, and wealthier than later adopters.
Think of the first people to own a personal computer, or a cell phone. They started with tech nerds and the wealthy, and eventually worked their way to everyone else. If we had looked at personal computers in the early years of their existence, we might conclude that they are only something that the wealthy or educated might use. We would have sounded like Thomas Watson, the president of IBM, who said in 1943 that “There is a world market for maybe five computers,” or Ken Olsen, the founder of the Digital Equipment Corporation, who said in 1977 that, “there is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” They both assumed adoption would stop before the bell curve started to expand. They were both wrong.
But knowing what we know about how innovations diffuse, what can choice advocates do to try and move ESAs along the adoption curve? Rogers is helpful here too. Here are three key agenda items.
Reduce complexity. As Rogers writes, “complexity of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social system, is negatively related to its rate of adoption.” The more complex ESA programs are to use, the harder it will be to get more people to use them. There have been teething pains with the onboarding of families into ESA programs and with the usability of the online platforms that some states have used to manage families’ accounts and vendors’ payments. While innovators and early adopters might have the time and temperament to cope with these, other more deliberate and skeptical families will not. Any user experience issues need to be sorted out in short order.
Make success observable. Here is Rogers again, “the observability of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social system, is positively related to its rate of adoption.” Families need to know what options are available to them and need to see concrete examples of families like theirs participating in the program and meeting with success. Schooling is an innovation that can be hard for participants to observe, because they have a limited ability to sit in a classroom and see how the school operates. But both educational providers and research and advocacy organizations can do more to try and show what is happening in schools, what options are available to families, and to connect prospective parents to current ones to see what might work for them.
Think about risk and reward. Later adopters of innovations tend to be more risk averse. They are skeptical. They are deliberate. They are also not necessarily wrong. Lower-income families do not have the same cushion that higher-income families do to take chances on new educational environments. They worry about the downside risk as much or more as the upside potential. Choice supporters need to take these concerns seriously. They need to think about ways to make choices less risky, perhaps encouraging new choosers to slot into more established private schools before going full bore customizing their child’s education.
It is clear that choice opponents are looking for every possible opportunity to declare these programs as failures. But there is a lot of baseball left to be played. By leaning on what we know about how innovations are adopted, we can tune out the shouts from the cheap seats and work our way through the adoption process so that more families can take advantage of the opportunities that ESA programs provide.